Sunday 9 February 2014

This is my first blog. I always wanted to write blogs on “Scientific View and reasoning of Indian Myths”. I was unable to choose any topic from where I should start. Finally thought to start with the topic which is actually rooted of Indian tradition “Existence of GOD”.
In my younger days till around class 10th I use to be considered as atheist. I always use to argue with my father, mom, sister, uncles or anybody else on these questions:--
  • Does god really exist?
  • Does Swarg/Jannat or Narak/Jahannum really exist?
  • Generally it is said that “Bhagwan ki marji ke bina patta bhi nahin hil sakta.Sab kuchh bhagwan ki marzi se hi hota hai.” On other hand we say “You will get to SWARG to good karma while you will go to NARAK for your bad karma”. I always use to get confused. Why we get Swarg or Narak when everything is done by GOD?

Does god really exist?
As per my belief, yes GOD exists.  Why? How?
As I said, I was atheist in my younger days. I always use to argue. Once I was arguing with my sister. After her argument, I was answerless. I was not having any other option rather than to agree that, yes god exist. Her arguments were:--
“You see earth. You see Sun. You see moon. We consider them GOD, because they give life to us. Not only we human being, but every living thing on earth are dependent on them. We can’t exist without them. They are GOD whom we can see. They are visible god. Air, Nature is also god as we can’t exist without them. But we can’t see them. They are invisible god. We can’t see them. We can only feel them.”

Does Swarg/Jannat or Narak/Jahannum really exist?
Yes they do. But my personnel opinion is they do not exist on somewhere in Sky, over the cloud. Neither have they existed on this earth. But definitely you can feel Swarg and Narak right here on earth in your life. Whatever you do, you will get result based on that.

Generally it is said that “Bhagwan ki marji ke bina patta bhi nahin hil sakta.Sab kuchh bhagwan ki marzi se hi hota hai.” On other hand we say “You will get to SWARG to good karma while you will go to NARAK for your bad karma”. I always use to get confused. Why we get Swarg or Narak when everything is done by GOD?
Generally this question use to be my BRAMHASTRA to stop the argument over existence of god as everybody use to say these statements which are opposite to each other and they use it very cleverly based on the situation.
Even after I started believing on god, I was having this question unanswered. Once I was arguing with my uncle as usual and on to answer this question he narrated a story, and I had got my answer.
There was a gardener. A very skilled but poor one. He was very frustrated with his poorness. He always use to say “Oh God, why me. You have given me skill but not giving opportunity.” Once he decided to meet the king of his area. He somehow managed to meet him and asked a small portion of land so that he can show his skill. King agreed and gave him a piece of land. Gardener worked hard. Really hard. He transformed it in a very good garden. A really spectacular one. People use to come to garden and enjoy. Gardener use to say, “See, what I can do. It’s my hard work which transformed this piece of land in such a beautiful garden. It’s my skill. Blah blah blah......”
After some days, a huge tornado came. It destroyed everything. It destroyed the garden also. Gardener was very sad. Somebody asked him, what happen, why are you so sad. What happen to garden.
He replied “it’s all god wish. Nothing is in our hand.  There was a huge storm and it destroyed everything.”
The moral is whenever something good is happening, it’s us and when something bad happens, its god’s wish. This is not fair. God gives us to choose one of the two options, either accept whatever good or bad happens it’s due to us or accept whatever good or bad is happening it’s due to GOD. If you are taking the first option, you will be responsible for everything. If you choose second, believe me nothing bad will happen to you.
Be a god loving person not a god fearing person. A very true dialogue from one of my favourite movie, “OH MY GOD”.